Monthly Archives: September 2020

How is batik fabric made in Laos for quilting

How is batik fabric made in Laos? Batik is a craft that has high artistic value and has become part of Indonesian culture. In the past batik was one of the livelihoods that existed in people’s lives. The variety of batik patterns and colors is influenced by a number of outside influences, such as Yogyakarta and Surakarta batik as the center of Javanese batik inspired by the life of the palace.

On October 2, 2009 UNESCO established Indonesian batik as a Humanitarian Heritage for Oral and Non-Buddhist Culture (Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity). This is a very proud thing for the people of Indonesia, because there is already recognition from the international world that batik is one of the original Indonesian cultures.

How is batik fabric made in Laos for quilting

Since industrialization and globalization, which introduced automation techniques, new types of batik have emerged known as printed or printed batik while traditional batik produced by handwriting using canting and wax is called batik.

How is batik fabric made in Laos? This category based on Batik techniques making. Here the explanation.

1. Written Batik (batik tulis). It made by using canting or written (tulis) technique. It usually use for special affair.
2. Copper plate stamp Batik (batik cap). It made by using copper stamp (cap). This technique has solid color, or it is well-known as tie dye technique.
3. Handprint Batik. This is a technique that use screen media to make pattern in the fabric. The examples of this technique is in making clothing and sarong (sarung).

For further information and order. :
Mr Mudzakir.
+62 822 6565 2222
(Available on WhatsApp).

Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

We name our certainly quality product as Batikdlidir. What is Dlidir? In Javanese dlidlir means mengalir (flowing). Therefore, from that name, dlidir, we hope that our product will be salable like the flow of the water. This name is also our prayer. So, it is not only name, but it has strong character in further advance.

As time goes by, Batik has generous meaning for us. Nowadays batik in daily is an art which manifests culture. Batik also give a value to public (read: dlidir). Batik means the high-level of art in Solo and round.

How is batik fabric made in Laos? Processing batik is not only draw in the fabric, but it also a comprehensive sequences. The sequences of mind, energy, and a long story. All of the synergized process while making an artistic work. So, all of the people enjoy it.

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method. You can get a batik fabric price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin or barcolin. This materials is cotton 100 percent.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.

Benefit Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir

The benefits you get from making batik fabric for quilting in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton fabric is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory and Batik solo.

2. Motives or pattern are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of batik fabric. You can get free of our sample pattern or colour ways. After For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.

For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

How is batik fabric made in Malaysia for quilting

How is batik fabric made in Malaysia? Batik is a craft that has high artistic value and has become part of Indonesian culture. In the past batik was one of the livelihoods that existed in people’s lives. The variety of batik patterns and colors is influenced by a number of outside influences, such as Yogyakarta and Surakarta batik as the center of Javanese batik inspired by the life of the palace.

On October 2, 2009 UNESCO established Indonesian batik as a Humanitarian Heritage for Oral and Non-Buddhist Culture (Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity). This is a very proud thing for the people of Indonesia, because there is already recognition from the international world that batik is one of the original Indonesian cultures.

How is batik fabric made in Malaysia for quilting

Since industrialization and globalization, which introduced automation techniques, new types of batik have emerged known as printed or printed batik while traditional batik produced by handwriting using canting and wax is called batik.

How is batik fabric made in Malaysia? This category based on Batik techniques making. Here the explanation.

1. Written Batik (batik tulis). It made by using canting or written (tulis) technique. It usually use for special affair.
2. Copper plate stamp Batik (batik cap). It made by using copper stamp (cap). This technique has solid color, or it is well-known as tie dye technique.
3. Handprint Batik. This is a technique that use screen media to make pattern in the fabric. The examples of this technique is in making clothing and sarong (sarung).

For further information and order. :
Mr Mudzakir.
+62 822 6565 2222
(Available on WhatsApp).

Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

We name our certainly quality product as Batikdlidir. What is Dlidir? In Javanese dlidlir means mengalir (flowing). Therefore, from that name, dlidir, we hope that our product will be salable like the flow of the water. This name is also our prayer. So, it is not only name, but it has strong character in further advance.

As time goes by, Batik has generous meaning for us. Nowadays batik in daily is an art which manifests culture. Batik also give a value to public (read: dlidir). Batik means the high-level of art in Solo and round.

How is batik fabric made in Malaysia? Processing batik is not only draw in the fabric, but it also a comprehensive sequences. The sequences of mind, energy, and a long story. All of the synergized process while making an artistic work. So, all of the people enjoy it.

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method. You can get a batik fabric price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin or barcolin. This materials is cotton 100 percent.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.

Benefit Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir

The benefits you get from making batik fabric for quilting in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton fabric is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory and Batik solo.

2. Motives or pattern are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.
3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of batik fabric. You can get free of our sample pattern or colour ways. After For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.

For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Masker kain hijab dengan katun halus di NTT

Kami membantu anda menyediakan Masker kain hijab dengan katun halus di NTT serta tidak panas. Kelangkaan masker penutup wajah yang saat ini banyak digunakan untuk mencegah infeksi Covid-19 membuat orang-orang kini memilih jalan alternatif yaitu dengan membuat masker sendiri, yaitu masker kain. Masker kain memang tidak se-efektif masker medis, tetapi setidaknya bisa mengurangi penyebarannya.

Para peneliti dari Argonne National Laboratory dan University of Chicago, Amerika Serikat, telah menguji berbagai bahan di laboratorium untuk menyelidiki sifat penyaringan mekanik dan elektrostatik masing-masing. Hasilnya, banyaknya lapisan dan campuran kain dinilai paling baik untuk menyaring partikel.

Penelitian yang dimuat di ACS Nano, sebuah jurnal dari American Chemical Society, ini dilakukan pada berbagai kain termasuk katun, sutra, sifon, kain flanel, berbagai sintetis dan kombinasinya.

“Secara keseluruhan, kami menemukan bahwa kombinasi berbagai bahan dalam masker kain berpotensi memberikan perlindungan yang signifikan terhadap transmisi partikel aerosol,” kata para peneliti.

Salah satu faktor kenyamanan juga penting adalah kemudahan untuk bernapas saat menggunakan masker. Kenyamanan itu akan mempengaruhi seberapa lama kamu bisa menggunakan masker tersebut.

Oleh karena itu berdasarkan penangkapan partikel dan kemampuan bernapas, para peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa masker kain katun adalah bahan terbaik untuk membuat masker penutup wajah sendiri. Bahan-bahan tersebut mampu menyaring sekitar 50% partikel 0,2 mikron, ukuran yang hampir sama dengan virus Corona. Selain itu bahan tersebut juga lebih memudahkan bernapas sehingga pemakainya akan merasa lebih nyaman walupun dalam waktu yang lama.

Konveksi masker kain harga grosir berkualitas

Konveksi masker kain harga grosir berkualitas. Dengan harga mulai Rp 2.500,- per pcs, Anda sudah bisa mendapatkannya. Kami merupakan konveksi kain yang siap membantu Anda dalam pengadaan masker sesuai pesanan. Selain harga grosir, kualitas jahitan juga nyaman saat dipakai.

Konveksi masker kain harga grosir murah berkualitas

Pemerintah telah menginstruksikan penggunaan masker kepada warganya saat berada di luar rumah, sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan penularan virus corona. Bahkan masker non-medis, seperti masker kain sangat disarankan untuk digunakan. Sementara penggunaan masker medis, ditegaskan hanya untuk para tenaga medis yang berhadapan langsung dengan penanganan wabah Covid-19 ini.

Saran ini juga didasari sebuah studi yang dilakukan di Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine Dari studi yang dilakukannya disimpulkan, masker kain mempunyai kemampuan menyaring cukup baik dalam pengujian tingkat penyaringan mencapai 70-90 persen.

Harga masker kain mulai Rp 2.500,- per pcs

Harga masker kain mulai Rp 2.500,- per pcs dengan jahitan yang berkualitas. Memakai masker menjadi salah satu usaha untuk mencegah terinfeksi virus Corona atau Covid-19. Di tengah meningkatnya pasien virus Corona, mendadak masker menjadi barang langka dan kalaupun ada harganya selangit.

Harga masker kain mulai Rp 2.500,- per pcs dengan jahitan yang berkualitas. 123

Tak heran jika hal itu membuat orang-orang mulai berkreasi dan mencari alternatif sendiri untuk membuat masker dari kain katun. Penggunaan masker bedah sebaiknya dipakai oleh tenaga kesehatan yang menghadapi Corona di garda terdepan.

Kami membantu Anda untuk mendapatkan masker kain dengan harga manusiawi. Masker kain yang kami produksi mempunya 2 grade, yang pertama masker kain dengan 1 layer dan ada juga dengan 2 laper. Bisa disisipi tisue biasa maupun tisue basah.

Kami memproduksi masker kain yang diberi nama masker non-medis tersebut dalam rangka membantu pemerintah mengurangi dampak wabah virus Corona.

Kami membuat penawaran harga masker kain non medis Pre Order kepada Anda sebagai berikut :
1. Masker kain non medis 1 ply, bahan katun dengan harga @Rp 2.500,-
2. Masker kain non medis 2 ply, bahan katun dengan harga @Rp 3.500,-

Harga masker kain di atas merupakan masker pre order, dengan minimal order 2000 pcs. Kapasitas produksi masker non medis di pabrik kami mencapai 5000 pcs per hari.

Untuk sekedar informasi atau pemesanan konveksi masker kain, Anda bisa whatsapp kami di:

0822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir

Layanan grosir masker kain 24 jam.

Grosir Masker kain hijab ready stok harga Rp 3.500,- per pcs

Masker kain hijab dengan katun halus di NTT ready stok harga Rp 3.500,- per pcs dengan minimum pembelian 500 pcs. Masker kain hijab memiliki perbedaan dengan masker biasa. Perbedaan tersebut terletak pada tali atau karetnya. Biasanya, masker kain yang hanya sampai daun telinga kami membuatnya sesuai orderan. Jadi, Keseluruhan ready stock yang ada ditempat kami berupa masker kain hijab.

Masker kain hijab ready stok harga Rp 3.500,- per pcs 123

Masker kain hijab harga murah grosir

Bahan baku masker yang digunakan terbuat dari bahan kain yang dilapisi 2 lapisan anti microbal dan anti air . Walaupun demikian masker tetap aman untuk digunakan. salah satu kelebihan dari produk masker tersebut yaitu dapat dipakai ulang sepanjang dicuci dengan benar dengan suhu maksimal 40 derajat celcius tanpa menggunakan pemutih. Selanjutnya masker tersebut disetrika dengan suhu panas yang medium.

Grosir Masker kain hijab ready stok harga Rp 3.500,- per pcs menggunakan 2 ply. Dua ply merupakan dua lapisan kain yang nyaman. Jahitannya pun juga rapi dan presisi. Sehingga kenyamanan bisa Anda dapatkan saat mengenakannya.

Informasi dan pembelian masker kain hijab ready stok, Anda bisa whatsapp kami :

+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

Handmade batik fabric

How is batik fabric made in Ireland for quilting

How is batik fabric made in Ireland? Batik is a craft that has high artistic value and has become part of Indonesian culture. In the past batik was one of the livelihoods that existed in people’s lives. The variety of batik patterns and colors is influenced by a number of outside influences, such as Yogyakarta and Surakarta batik as the center of Javanese batik inspired by the life of the palace.

On October 2, 2009 UNESCO established Indonesian batik as a Humanitarian Heritage for Oral and Non-Buddhist Culture (Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity). This is a very proud thing for the people of Indonesia, because there is already recognition from the international world that batik is one of the original Indonesian cultures.

How is batik fabric made in Ireland for quilting

Since industrialization and globalization, which introduced automation techniques, new types of batik have emerged known as printed or printed batik while traditional batik produced by handwriting using canting and wax is called batik.

How is batik fabric made in Ireland? This category based on Batik techniques making. Here the explanation.

1. Written Batik (batik tulis). It made by using canting or written (tulis) technique. It usually use for special affair.
2. Copper plate stamp Batik (batik cap). It made by using copper stamp (cap). This technique has solid color, or it is well-known as tie dye technique.
3. Handprint Batik. This is a technique that use screen media to make pattern in the fabric. The examples of this technique is in making clothing and sarong (sarung).

For further information and order. :
Mr Mudzakir.
+62 822 6565 2222
(Available on WhatsApp).

Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

We name our certainly quality product as Batikdlidir. What is Dlidir? In Javanese dlidlir means mengalir (flowing). Therefore, from that name, dlidir, we hope that our product will be salable like the flow of the water. This name is also our prayer. So, it is not only name, but it has strong character in further advance.

As time goes by, Batik has generous meaning for us. Nowadays batik in daily is an art which manifests culture. Batik also give a value to public (read: dlidir). Batik means the high-level of art in Solo and round.

How is batik fabric made in Ireland? Processing batik is not only draw in the fabric, but it also a comprehensive sequences. The sequences of mind, energy, and a long story. All of the synergized process while making an artistic work. So, all of the people enjoy it.

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method. You can get a batik fabric price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin or barcolin. This materials is cotton 100 percent.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.

Benefit Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir

The benefits you get from making batik fabric for quilting in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton fabric is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory and Batik solo.

2. Motives or pattern are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of batik fabric. You can get free of our sample pattern or colour ways. After For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.

For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

How is batik fabric made in Taiwan for quilting

How is batik fabric made in Taiwan? Batik is a craft that has high artistic value and has become part of Indonesian culture. In the past batik was one of the livelihoods that existed in people’s lives. The variety of batik patterns and colors is influenced by a number of outside influences, such as Yogyakarta and Surakarta batik as the center of Javanese batik inspired by the life of the palace.

On October 2, 2009 UNESCO established Indonesian batik as a Humanitarian Heritage for Oral and Non-Buddhist Culture (Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity). This is a very proud thing for the people of Indonesia, because there is already recognition from the international world that batik is one of the original Indonesian cultures.

How is batik fabric made in Taiwan for quilting

Since industrialization and globalization, which introduced automation techniques, new types of batik have emerged known as printed or printed batik while traditional batik produced by handwriting using canting and wax is called batik.

How is batik fabric made in Taiwan? This category based on Batik techniques making. Here the explanation.

1. Written Batik (batik tulis). It made by using canting or written (tulis) technique. It usually use for special affair.
2. Copper plate stamp Batik (batik cap). It made by using copper stamp (cap). This technique has solid color, or it is well-known as tie dye technique.
3. Handprint Batik. This is a technique that use screen media to make pattern in the fabric. The examples of this technique is in making clothing and sarong (sarung).

For further information and order. :
Mr Mudzakir.
+62 822 6565 2222
(Available on WhatsApp).

Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

We name our certainly quality product as Batikdlidir. What is Dlidir? In Javanese dlidlir means mengalir (flowing). Therefore, from that name, dlidir, we hope that our product will be salable like the flow of the water. This name is also our prayer. So, it is not only name, but it has strong character in further advance.

As time goes by, Batik has generous meaning for us. Nowadays batik in daily is an art which manifests culture. Batik also give a value to public (read: dlidir). Batik means the high-level of art in Solo and round.

How is batik fabric made in Taiwan? Processing batik is not only draw in the fabric, but it also a comprehensive sequences. The sequences of mind, energy, and a long story. All of the synergized process while making an artistic work. So, all of the people enjoy it.

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method. You can get a batik fabric price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin or barcolin. This materials is cotton 100 percent.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.

Benefit Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir

The benefits you get from making batik fabric for quilting in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton fabric is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory and Batik solo.

2. Motives or pattern are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of batik fabric. You can get free of our sample pattern or colour ways. After For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.

For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Konveksi Masker kain hijab Makassar Harga Grosir

Konveksi Masker kain hijab Makassar harga grosir. Makassar adalah salah satu dari empat pusat pertumbuhan utama di Indonesia, bersama dengan Medan, Jakarta, dan Surabaya. Dengan memiliki wilayah seluas 175,77 km² dan jumlah penduduk lebih dari 1,5 juta jiwa, kota ini berada di urutan kelima kota terbesar di Indonesia setelah Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung dan Medan.

Kami merupakan Produsen masker kain yang siap membantu Anda dalam pengadaan sesuai pesanan. Dengan harga mulai Rp 1.800,- per pcs. Selain harga grosir, kami mengguanakan bahan 100% katun dan kualitas jahitan juga nyaman saat dipakai.

Situasi saat ini yang membuat masyarakat mencari berbagai cara demi menjaga kebersihan dan kesehatan. Salah satunya dengan menggunakan masker kain untuk mengurangi risiko penularan virus corona.

Konveksi Masker kain hijab Makassar Harga Grosir

Pemerintah telah menginstruksikan penggunaan masker kepada warganya saat berada di luar rumah, sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan penularan virus corona. Bahkan masker non-medis, seperti masker kain sangat disarankan untuk digunakan. Sementara penggunaan masker medis, ditegaskan hanya untuk para tenaga medis yang berhadapan langsung dengan penanganan wabah Covid-19 ini.

Sekarang ini masker sudah banyak sekali jenisnya, salah satunya adalah Masker kain hijab Makassar. Ada dasarnya, Masker kain hijab Makassar memang memiliki tingkat sensitivitas yang hampir sama dengan jenis masker non hijab. Namun, masker hijab terasa lebih nyaman karena tidak disangkutkan di telinga.
Masker hijab menggunakan tali yang bisa diikat di belakang kepala. Hal ini membuat telinga pengguna tidak terasa sakit meski memakai masker dalam waktu yang cukup lama.
Selain nyaman, Masker kain hijab Makassar biasanya dipilih karena harganya yang cukup terjangkau dan efisien. Bisa digunakan untuk beberapa kali dengan syarat harus dicuci terlebih dahulu tanpa mengurangi kualitasnya.

Berikut proses produksi konveksi masker kain kami :

Batik fabric for quilting

Harga masker kain mulai Rp 1.800,- per pcs

Harga masker kain mulai Rp 1.800,- per pcs dengan jahitan yang berkualitas. Memakai masker menjadi salah satu usaha untuk mencegah terinfeksi virus Corona atau Covid-19. Di tengah meningkatnya pasien virus Corona, mendadak masker menjadi barang langka dan kalaupun ada harganya selangit.

Harga masker kain mulai Rp 2.500,- per pcs dengan jahitan yang berkualitas. 123

Tak heran jika hal itu membuat orang-orang mulai berkreasi dan mencari alternatif sendiri untuk membuat masker dari kain katun. Penggunaan masker bedah sebaiknya dipakai oleh tenaga kesehatan yang menghadapi Corona di garda terdepan.

Kami membantu Anda untuk mendapatkan masker kain dengan harga manusiawi. Masker kain yang kami produksi mempunya 2 grade, yang pertama masker kain dengan 2 layer dan ada juga dengan 3 layer. Bisa disisipi tisue biasa maupun tisue basah.

Kami memproduksi masker kain yang diberi nama masker non-medis tersebut dalam rangka membantu pemerintah mengurangi dampak wabah virus Corona.

Kami membuat penawaran harga masker kain non medis Pre Order kepada Anda sebagai berikut :

Harga masker kain di atas merupakan masker pre order, dengan minimal order 2000 pcs. Kapasitas produksi masker non medis di pabrik kami mencapai 5000 pcs per hari.

Untuk sekedar informasi atau pemesanan konveksi masker kain, Anda bisa whatsapp kami di:

0822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir

Layanan grosir masker kain 24 jam.

Keuntungan Memesan di tempat kami Produsen Makser kain berkualitas

Keuntungan Memesan di tempat kami Konveksi Makser kain yang berkualitas. Keunggulan dan keuntungan yang Anda dapatkan dari pemesanan Pre Order masker Non Medis bahan katun di tempat kami, antara lain :

1. Harga masker kain lebih murah mulai Rp 1.800,- per pcs dengan kualitas terbaik. Karena kami berada di lokasi pusatnya konveksi kain.

2. Sudah teruji Jahitannya yang nyaman dengan pemakaian bertahun – tahun dari pelanggan kami.

3. Mudah dalam pembayaran masker kain non medis. Untuk pemesanan kami mengenakan DP ( Uang muka ) 50% dari total pembiayaan produksi. Sehingga tercipta hubungan saling percaya antara kedua belah fihak.

4. Pelayanan cepat respon dan 24 jam non stop. Kami berdedikasi sebagai produsen masker kain melayani dengan sepenuh hati.

5. Bisa memesan masker kain sesuai keinginan Anda. Baik dari segi bahan, maupun desain maskernya

Hal yang perlu diingat adalah, penutup wajah apa pun akan lebih baik daripada wajah tidak ditutup sama sekali. Terlebih jika Anda sebetulnya sudah terinfeksi virus, namun tidak mengetahuinya.

Masker kain dapat membantu mencegah paparan virus corona dengan tiga syarat, yakni :
1. Makser digunakan saat harus keluar rumah
2. Tetap wajib menjaga jarak minimal 1 meter
3. Sering mencuci tangan dengan sabun dan air yang mengalir

Tidak hanya itu, masker juga harus dicuci setiap hari untuk membersihkan partiekl virus yang menempel di sana. Cara mencuci sama dengan baju, yakni menggunakan air dan sabun. Jadi, tidak perlu menggunakan cairan desinfektan.

Bayangkan betapa repotnya jika anda membuat masker, membeli kain dan menjahitnya sendiri. Tidak hanya banyak uang yang anda keluarkan, tapi juga tenaga dan pikiran. Oleh karena itu, langkah yang bijak ialah Anda memesan masker di konveksi milik kami.

Untuk sekedar informasi maupun pemesanan masker kain bisa whatsapp ke :

0822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

Produsen masker kain 24 jam nonstop.

Masker kain hijab dengan katun halus di Bali

Kami membantu anda menyediakan Masker kain hijab dengan katun halus di Bali serta tidak panas. Kelangkaan masker penutup wajah yang saat ini banyak digunakan untuk mencegah infeksi Covid-19 membuat orang-orang kini memilih jalan alternatif yaitu dengan membuat masker sendiri, yaitu masker kain. Masker kain memang tidak se-efektif masker medis, tetapi setidaknya bisa mengurangi penyebarannya.

Para peneliti dari Argonne National Laboratory dan University of Chicago, Amerika Serikat, telah menguji berbagai bahan di laboratorium untuk menyelidiki sifat penyaringan mekanik dan elektrostatik masing-masing. Hasilnya, banyaknya lapisan dan campuran kain dinilai paling baik untuk menyaring partikel.

Penelitian yang dimuat di ACS Nano, sebuah jurnal dari American Chemical Society, ini dilakukan pada berbagai kain termasuk katun, sutra, sifon, kain flanel, berbagai sintetis dan kombinasinya.

“Secara keseluruhan, kami menemukan bahwa kombinasi berbagai bahan dalam masker kain berpotensi memberikan perlindungan yang signifikan terhadap transmisi partikel aerosol,” kata para peneliti.

Salah satu faktor kenyamanan juga penting adalah kemudahan untuk bernapas saat menggunakan masker. Kenyamanan itu akan mempengaruhi seberapa lama kamu bisa menggunakan masker tersebut.

Oleh karena itu berdasarkan penangkapan partikel dan kemampuan bernapas, para peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa masker kain katun adalah bahan terbaik untuk membuat masker penutup wajah sendiri. Bahan-bahan tersebut mampu menyaring sekitar 50% partikel 0,2 mikron, ukuran yang hampir sama dengan virus Corona. Selain itu bahan tersebut juga lebih memudahkan bernapas sehingga pemakainya akan merasa lebih nyaman walupun dalam waktu yang lama.

Konveksi masker kain harga grosir berkualitas

Konveksi masker kain harga grosir berkualitas. Dengan harga mulai Rp 2.500,- per pcs, Anda sudah bisa mendapatkannya. Kami merupakan konveksi kain yang siap membantu Anda dalam pengadaan masker sesuai pesanan. Selain harga grosir, kualitas jahitan juga nyaman saat dipakai.

Konveksi masker kain harga grosir murah berkualitas

Pemerintah telah menginstruksikan penggunaan masker kepada warganya saat berada di luar rumah, sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan penularan virus corona. Bahkan masker non-medis, seperti masker kain sangat disarankan untuk digunakan. Sementara penggunaan masker medis, ditegaskan hanya untuk para tenaga medis yang berhadapan langsung dengan penanganan wabah Covid-19 ini.

Saran ini juga didasari sebuah studi yang dilakukan di Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine Dari studi yang dilakukannya disimpulkan, masker kain mempunyai kemampuan menyaring cukup baik dalam pengujian tingkat penyaringan mencapai 70-90 persen.

Harga masker kain mulai Rp 2.500,- per pcs

Harga masker kain mulai Rp 2.500,- per pcs dengan jahitan yang berkualitas. Memakai masker menjadi salah satu usaha untuk mencegah terinfeksi virus Corona atau Covid-19. Di tengah meningkatnya pasien virus Corona, mendadak masker menjadi barang langka dan kalaupun ada harganya selangit.

Harga masker kain mulai Rp 2.500,- per pcs dengan jahitan yang berkualitas. 123

Tak heran jika hal itu membuat orang-orang mulai berkreasi dan mencari alternatif sendiri untuk membuat masker dari kain katun. Penggunaan masker bedah sebaiknya dipakai oleh tenaga kesehatan yang menghadapi Corona di garda terdepan.

Kami membantu Anda untuk mendapatkan masker kain dengan harga manusiawi. Masker kain yang kami produksi mempunya 2 grade, yang pertama masker kain dengan 1 layer dan ada juga dengan 2 laper. Bisa disisipi tisue biasa maupun tisue basah.

Kami memproduksi masker kain yang diberi nama masker non-medis tersebut dalam rangka membantu pemerintah mengurangi dampak wabah virus Corona.

Kami membuat penawaran harga masker kain non medis Pre Order kepada Anda sebagai berikut :
1. Masker kain non medis 1 ply, bahan katun dengan harga @Rp 2.500,-
2. Masker kain non medis 2 ply, bahan katun dengan harga @Rp 3.500,-

Harga masker kain di atas merupakan masker pre order, dengan minimal order 2000 pcs. Kapasitas produksi masker non medis di pabrik kami mencapai 5000 pcs per hari.

Untuk sekedar informasi atau pemesanan konveksi masker kain, Anda bisa whatsapp kami di:

0822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir

Layanan grosir masker kain 24 jam.

Grosir Masker kain hijab ready stok harga Rp 3.500,- per pcs

Masker kain hijab dengan katun halus di Bali ready stok harga Rp 3.500,- per pcs dengan minimum pembelian 500 pcs. Masker kain hijab memiliki perbedaan dengan masker biasa. Perbedaan tersebut terletak pada tali atau karetnya. Biasanya, masker kain yang hanya sampai daun telinga kami membuatnya sesuai orderan. Jadi, Keseluruhan ready stock yang ada ditempat kami berupa masker kain hijab.

Masker kain hijab ready stok harga Rp 3.500,- per pcs 123

Masker kain hijab harga murah grosir

Bahan baku masker yang digunakan terbuat dari bahan kain yang dilapisi 2 lapisan anti microbal dan anti air . Walaupun demikian masker tetap aman untuk digunakan. salah satu kelebihan dari produk masker tersebut yaitu dapat dipakai ulang sepanjang dicuci dengan benar dengan suhu maksimal 40 derajat celcius tanpa menggunakan pemutih. Selanjutnya masker tersebut disetrika dengan suhu panas yang medium.

Grosir Masker kain hijab ready stok harga Rp 3.500,- per pcs menggunakan 2 ply. Dua ply merupakan dua lapisan kain yang nyaman. Jahitannya pun juga rapi dan presisi. Sehingga kenyamanan bisa Anda dapatkan saat mengenakannya.

Informasi dan pembelian masker kain hijab ready stok, Anda bisa whatsapp kami :

+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

Handmade batik fabric

How is batik fabric made in Thailand for quilting

How is batik fabric made in Thailand? Batik is a craft that has high artistic value and has become part of Indonesian culture. In the past batik was one of the livelihoods that existed in people’s lives. The variety of batik patterns and colors is influenced by a number of outside influences, such as Yogyakarta and Surakarta batik as the center of Javanese batik inspired by the life of the palace.

On October 2, 2009 UNESCO established Indonesian batik as a Humanitarian Heritage for Oral and Non-Buddhist Culture (Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity). This is a very proud thing for the people of Indonesia, because there is already recognition from the international world that batik is one of the original Indonesian cultures.

How is batik fabric made in Thailand for quilting

Since industrialization and globalization, which introduced automation techniques, new types of batik have emerged known as printed or printed batik while traditional batik produced by handwriting using canting and wax is called batik.

How is batik fabric made in Thailand? This category based on Batik techniques making. Here the explanation.

1. Written Batik (batik tulis). It made by using canting or written (tulis) technique. It usually use for special affair.
2. Copper plate stamp Batik (batik cap). It made by using copper stamp (cap). This technique has solid color, or it is well-known as tie dye technique.
3. Handprint Batik. This is a technique that use screen media to make pattern in the fabric. The examples of this technique is in making clothing and sarong (sarung).

For further information and order. :
Mr Mudzakir.
+62 822 6565 2222
(Available on WhatsApp).

Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

We name our certainly quality product as Batikdlidir. What is Dlidir? In Javanese dlidlir means mengalir (flowing). Therefore, from that name, dlidir, we hope that our product will be salable like the flow of the water. This name is also our prayer. So, it is not only name, but it has strong character in further advance.

As time goes by, Batik has generous meaning for us. Nowadays batik in daily is an art which manifests culture. Batik also give a value to public (read: dlidir). Batik means the high-level of art in Solo and round.

How is batik fabric made in Thailand? Processing batik is not only draw in the fabric, but it also a comprehensive sequences. The sequences of mind, energy, and a long story. All of the synergized process while making an artistic work. So, all of the people enjoy it.

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method. You can get a batik fabric price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin or barcolin. This materials is cotton 100 percent.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.

Benefit Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir

The benefits you get from making batik fabric for quilting in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton fabric is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory and Batik solo.

2. Motives or pattern are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of batik fabric. You can get free of our sample pattern or colour ways. After For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.

For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

How is batik fabric made in Italy for quilting

How is batik fabric made in Italy? Batik is a craft that has high artistic value and has become part of Indonesian culture. In the past batik was one of the livelihoods that existed in people’s lives. The variety of batik patterns and colors is influenced by a number of outside influences, such as Yogyakarta and Surakarta batik as the center of Javanese batik inspired by the life of the palace.

On October 2, 2009 UNESCO established Indonesian batik as a Humanitarian Heritage for Oral and Non-Buddhist Culture (Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity). This is a very proud thing for the people of Indonesia, because there is already recognition from the international world that batik is one of the original Indonesian cultures.

How is batik fabric made in Italy for quilting

Since industrialization and globalization, which introduced automation techniques, new types of batik have emerged known as printed or printed batik while traditional batik produced by handwriting using canting and wax is called batik.

How is batik fabric made in Italy? This category based on Batik techniques making. Here the explanation.

1. Written Batik (batik tulis). It made by using canting or written (tulis) technique. It usually use for special affair.
2. Copper plate stamp Batik (batik cap). It made by using copper stamp (cap). This technique has solid color, or it is well-known as tie dye technique.
3. Handprint Batik. This is a technique that use screen media to make pattern in the fabric. The examples of this technique is in making clothing and sarong (sarung).

For further information and order. :
Mr Mudzakir.
+62 822 6565 2222
(Available on WhatsApp).

Batik fabric at Batikdlidir

We name our certainly quality product as Batikdlidir. What is Dlidir? In Javanese dlidlir means mengalir (flowing). Therefore, from that name, dlidir, we hope that our product will be salable like the flow of the water. This name is also our prayer. So, it is not only name, but it has strong character in further advance.

As time goes by, Batik has generous meaning for us. Nowadays batik in daily is an art which manifests culture. Batik also give a value to public (read: dlidir). Batik means the high-level of art in Solo and round.

How is batik fabric made in Italy? Processing batik is not only draw in the fabric, but it also a comprehensive sequences. The sequences of mind, energy, and a long story. All of the synergized process while making an artistic work. So, all of the people enjoy it.

Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir using stamp method. You can get a batik fabric price of US $ 2.50 per yard. Here are the details we offer you:

1. You order at least 500 yards. Each stamp or motif has a long tie dye color of at least 50 yards. So within 500 yards you are entitled to have 10 colors.

2. Cotton material uses 133 x 72 primisima construction. This cotton has a size of 40 s yarn. For solo city residents, the construction usually called poplin or barcolin. This materials is cotton 100 percent.

3. We provide 24 hour service. This service is our dedication. So you can feel comfortable at all times.

Benefit Batik fabric for quilting at Batikdlidir

The benefits you get from making batik fabric for quilting in our place, among others:.

1. The price of cotton fabric is cheaper. Why it can ?, Because we are at the center location of the cotton factory and Batik solo.

2. Motives or pattern are more maintained quality. Already tested with years of usage from our customers. Tested from cotton and also durable. In addition, you can make the motif according to your own desired.

3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo citizens has become a daily struggle in the field of batik industries. So the business of combining has become our daily life.

4. Easy in payment of batik fabric. You can get free of our sample pattern or colour ways. After For reservations we demand DP (Down Payment) 50% of total production cost. So as to create a relationship of trust between the both sides.

5. We provide the whole production process. Presentation can be through pictures or video. It’s as if you were looking directly at your order live.

For info or reservations can whatsapp to +62822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.

Traditional indonesian batik fabric Sweden

Traditional indonesian batik fabric Sweden is made with the best quality. This batik uses superior fabric with the type of primissima as we know, this type of fabric has a delicate character. So, comfortable when worn. No wonder the price is more expensive than ordinary batik. Especially the material using prime fabric. Apart from the material aspect, what distinguishes it from batik is usually the results of the batik.

Usually this fine batik has perfect motives. this is because, the process is done in detail. Not only that, the craftsmen are also professional. They are so meticulous when making this batik motif. Hence, the process of making batik takes a long time. And this also affects the price of batik.

Traditional indonesian batik fabric Sweden Combination is the original written batik by the nation’s children, especially the City of Solo, Jogjakarta, and surrounding areas. We mention the surroundings as well because there are craftsmen from areas around Solo to Jogja such as Sragen, Klaten, Sukoharjo, Wonogiri and Imogiri who produce beautiful and high quality batik. Let’s preserve Indonesian culture by using original batik cloth.

Name: Combination
Material: Kereta Kencana

Traditional Indonesian Batik Premium Combination

Traditional indonesian batik fabric Sweden Premium Batik Combination is batik which is actually a long achievement of the culture of the people of Solo and Jogja. Not just cloth, but there is a long history of witnesses of high-level art that is recognized worldwide. If in some countries have amazing relics, then Indonesia, especially the City of Solo and Jogja have cultural relics in the form of batik, an intellectual property that is depicted or written in a cloth.

Here is a little explanation of the technique above:
1. Buh
Buh motif is a motif that is around the fabric. Usually used as a clothes subordinate. Buh technique has a simple difficulty level. To throw or throw the night only half or one third of the area of the piece of cloth. Included in this category are jengki motifs and the like.
2. Large motives.
Minimum order is 1 piece. The combination between buh and big motives falls into this category. This technique has an attractive color advantage. Included in this motif are large machetes, large sidomukti and large galar.
3. Blasting and partial granite.
Bledak technique is destroying the night on a cloth. Destroying this with the hope of creating a vague color impression.
4. Full granite.
Namely the technique of twisting the night by the dots that are outside the pattern. While those in the pattern are called pasiran. This technique is quite difficult because the basis of the difference is the size of the canting.
5. Ukel and grip.
Namely Technique tossing a half circle night. This technique is also included for making gringsing patterns and insect repellent. For this technique entered the most difficult range.
Smaller canting will require a high level of neatness and patience. And also takes a long time.

For ordering information and order batik can go through +6282265652222 (Mr Mudzakir)

Traditional batik fabric Indonesia

Traditional batik fabric in Indonesia has a diversity of motives. Each region has different motives. This is also a characteristic of a traditional batik. And every motive has a different background. Usually, it’s about culture. Otherwise, it relates to the norms of life in his day.

The motif contained in traditional authenticity of Indonesian batik fabric. This motif, made in the time of the kingdom. There are some motifs that are even specific to be worn by the king.

One of them is the parang motif. Why this motive is only for the king. Because, this motif has philosophy and hope.

And we ready to serve you for the needs of batik. There are more than 1000 motifs you can choose from. If the motive you want is not available. You can order it at our place. We are ready to serve you according to your request. Regardless of the number of your order, we will serve with pleasure.

For reservations, you can contact us at +62 822 6565 2222. You can call me or through whatsapp. And I will always be at your service for 24 hours