Batik fabric process at Batikdlidir solo, Indonesia

Batik fabric process through many steps. It starts with preparing until drying process. Now, at least there are three kinds of Batik. Those are Batik Tulis, Batik Cap (stamp), and also Batik printing. From those three kinds of Batik, each of them has a different process.

Batik fabric process at Batikdlidir solo, Indonesia

The making process of Batik Tulis started from creating the pattern. The second is making Batik or known as pembatikan. Followed by coloring process and washing. The last step is drying. In the coloring process, it can be done in several times. It depends on the needed.

The making process of Batik Tulis is the longest. It is different to the making process of Batik Cap (stamp). The making process of Batik Cap (stamp) is faster. Because it only made by attaching the stamp on the fabric. That stamp already has the pattern, so the use of it is simple.

The fastest process in making Batik is Batik Printing. It made by using screen media. It made the making process faster than Batik Cap (stamp). There are two ways to make screen printing. Those are by using a machine and manually.

If you want to have those three of Batik fabrics, you can order and buy at Batik Dlidir. We offer various needs of Batik. You can design your own pattern and we will make it into Batik. We have many professional craftsmen. They create perfect Batik.

By shopping at our store, you will get many benefits like the cheapest price of Batik, the best quality of Batik, and many more.

For more information contact +6282265652222. We prefer to WhatsApp than a phone call.

Batik fabric process using stamp or tie dye technique

Batik fabric process using stamp or tie dye technique. For the stamp technique, it still seems traditional and unique. Because in addition to using the wax, coloring can be more varied. The price fairly affordable to be made batik uniform.

1. Fabric batik prima with custom motif US $ 1.99 / yard.
2. Each meter of cotton primisima ourtagprice is US $ 2.50 / yard.

For color, cap technique has its own value. You will get a solid color. In addition, it can also make your own the color gradation (colour ways/design). Foreign people call it with tie dye smoke technique.

Batik fabric process using stamp or tie dye technique
For details can whatsapp to 0822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir. 24 hours nonstop serving order batik fabric. As our dedication in the field of batik.

One thought on “Batik fabric process at Batikdlidir solo, Indonesia

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